Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Chinese New Year coming!!

I think i just love creating things. No matter what. I love the process of creating. But I dread cleaning up! haha!

Recently I’m hooked with baking and cooking!  Not sure if it’s gonna be a good thing.  Electricity bills might shoot up.  I haven’t checked with Gary.  Oops.  I tried to do some clay creations in between.  And I have an order to fulfilled – Horses Keychains!.. but to creation some edible sounds more interesting to Gary.  Oh.. well.. I’m afraid to feed him fat and round... And me too! hahahaha! Ops! 

1st dinner I cooked for 2014!
I was quite on last weekend.. I cooked and baked! :P  This is my 2nd attempt to bake pineapple tarts (1st batch was a failure!  Wasn't sweet, but I thought it's quite good for Louis.. hee)  This is my 1st successful pineapple tarts!!  Not bad eh? :D

1st Batch of Pineapple Tarts!

We had a sumptous lunch last Sunday.  "Surf & Turf"... hehehe... And I baked... and I was so exhausted that I couldn't cook the chicken rice dinner which I planned ahead.  Haahaha!! Too ambitious!
Our Surf & Turf Lunch on Sunday
This is Louis' lunch with Chicken
minus the veg and tomato of course.  That's only for deco purpose.. :/

Yesterday the atmosphere wasn’t very good in the evening as Gary had a bad day.  I didn’t bake.. and also the boxes of pineapple tarts are still sitting on the kitchen table. And I fell right asleep lying there with Louis.   And zzz till morning... yeah.. shiok..

Anyway, I have been baking pineapple tarts, cupcakes and I have been buying props for photographing my cooking/baking creations. I tried to incorporate “clay play” to baking! Hahaha! And I’m having fun ~ though honestly speaking – it’s exhausting having to stand through the session. I made some piggies pineapples!!  

2nd Batch + adding a bit of fun!

Next on line... I’m trying to create horse pineapples for the year of Horse!!! Wishing me success! Hahaha!

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